On March 15, many of us woke up to the email from the President of the National Association of Realtors announcing their $418 million settlement. Aside from wanting to settle numerous suits, the announcement outlined radical changes to our industry and how agents will be compensated—or not.
My first reaction was panic.
My fears were mostly selfish; it’s the same fear we agents always have of not enough business. I cried out to the Lord in prayer as I drove to an all-day seminar with Pastor Rick Warren. I tried to put aside my worries and focus on the teaching. In His perfect timing and goodness, God spoke through Pastor Rick to redirect my feelings about the NAR news.
One of Pastor Rick’s teachings that day was about the parable of the four soils. Also known as the Parable of the Sower, it’s found in three of four gospels: Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:1-15. Jesus tells of a sower scattering seed for a crop, hopeful for a harvest. The seed falls on four types of ground: a footpath, among rocks, among thorns, and on good soil. The seed can only thrive in the fertile soil. When the soil is primed, the resulting harvest is a hundred-fold increase.
Jesus explains the four soils represent types of people and their level of readiness to hear the Good News. Pastor Rick did the calculation: three out of four are not ready. Speaking to the audience of mostly pastors and church leaders, Pastor Rick encouraged us to look out for the one in four who are primed to receive God. Next, Pastor Rick asked, “How does God soften the hard soil (hearts)?”
He answered his own question right away, and there was a collective murmur through the crowd when Pastor Rick gave the simple answer:
“God sends a rainstorm.”
Examples followed: of the record-breaking crowds who came to his church seeking comfort the week after 9/11; of people coming to the Lord through the storms of cancer, divorce, or a death. I remembered how I had asked God in 2011 why He would send such a devastating earthquake and tsunami to Japan. God’s answer, then and still today: “So the broken people will turn to me.”
So Pastor Rick encouraged us to love everybody all the time—but to look specifically for those who are in a storm and hurting. If we have shown love to them all along, God can use our foundation of friendship when their storm comes.
That’s when I saw the God connection to the NAR news that morning. The settlement is a harbinger of the biggest storm in our industry’s hundred years. On the drive home, the first news reports had dire (and overly dramatic) predictions that the agent population and commissions could shrink by 20 to 50%. But thanks to Pastor Rick’s fresh teaching, God now filled me with His mission:
Christian agents can bring the hope of Jesus
to our industry during this storm. Some of our co-workers will fear and suffer loss of business and pay; they will despair because they don’t know the hope of Jesus—yet. As the rains douse and soften the hard soil, God will enable hearts to open. Any wayward prodigals will also return home to our Father’s waiting arms.
There are many agents—me included—whose business and income have already suffered during the past lean year. Interest rates remain high and the hope of a Fed rate decrease in June was erased a few days ago. Please join me as we first embolden our own faith. The amount of business we have has always been a faith exercise. Let’s model how to trust and hope God will provide. We need to “trust in the Lord with all our hearts” (Proverbs 3:5), and “not be anxious about anything … and pray, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).
If you are suffering, please don’t keep it to yourself, as is our tendency here in the islands. A week before the NAR announcement, a Honolulu father murdered his family, then committed suicide. He and his business were in financial distress, and he felt this was his only way out. He was a chiropractor, but how easily could he have been a real estate agent or a loan officer? If you need help, please don’t give up! There are people around you who would love to support you…
Don’t suffer in silence
When a tragedy happens, let’s not just shake our heads and ask why it happened. Let’s not naively say it wouldn’t happen to anyone we know. Let’s take up our responsibility as Christians to love our neighbors—all of them, regardless which type of soil they are. Then, when God shows us who needs help, let’s prepare to answer the call.
As Christians in real estate, how can we respond?
- Look around to see who is hurting. Ask God to show you who is suffering in private
- Don’t wait for them to reach out—they might never do so
- If you are the one struggling, don’t keep it to yourself. Your brothers and sisters are ready to support, pray, and share tangible provision with you
- Even in the midst of our own struggles, let’s model trust and hope God will provide for all our needs
- Let’s commit to bring the love and hope of Jesus to our industry during the uncertain times ahead. Let’s pray God will open opportunities to share His Good News.
My friends, we have experienced God’s love; we’ve been comforted by His presence and peace in our lives. Let’s be bold to share with others “this message of life!” (Acts 5:20 NLT)
I encourage you to believe The God Layer exists. It represents every part of our real estate work that extends beyond the transaction—even into eternity. Faith and beliefs aside, everyone wants to work for more than just a paycheck. May God bless you as you find true purpose and meaning in your work every time you open this book. Thank you for your work and service in real estate!