The introduction of the book has the following explanation of “The God Layer”:
Picture a layer of glass placed on top of a precious artwork for framing, or a sheer ornamental veil laid over a bride’s beautiful face: “The God Layer” is God’s higher purpose overlaid on our daily lives and work. The God Layer makes everything we do more meaningful.
God is always at work. He is efficient at accomplishing seemingly unconnected goals simultaneously. As we go about our day-to-day jobs, The God Layer is also working: God connects us with the right person at just the right time; He uses us to speak a needed word of encouragement; He teaches us a lesson today that He will put to use months from now.
Have you ever researched and prepared hours for a listing consult in a particular neighborhood, only to lose the bid? You’re disappointed and feel your work was a waste. You watch the listing come on the market, go into escrow, and close. Then, a few months later, God sends you a new buyer who wants to write an offer for another listing in that neighborhood! You quickly and confidently share your knowledge about the comps—including the home you researched and walked through. Coincidence?
We can decide it’s just coincidence, or we can believe God loves and cares for us and is always working for our good. I believe this promise in Romans 8:28 so much that I named my publishing company “For the Good Publishing.”
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
To know He is working allows us to partner with His plan and purpose. This is the goal of The God Layer book: to become mindful of God’s presence in our daily work. Once we are aware of The God Layer, we will see our real estate transactions and relationships in a whole new light. The God Layer will elevate our earthly real estate work to His eternal work.
Even if we are oblivious, or slow to realize His presence, God is still working. Nothing is unplanned for God: He has placed us in this career and in relationship with the clients and industry peers chosen specifically for us. Every conversation and meeting has the potential to reveal His God Layer.
Even if you don’t believe in God, there is practical help and encouragement for the real estate challenges you’re facing. Scan through the Table of Contents and you’ll see familiar career milestones and transaction dilemmas:
I encourage you to believe The God Layer exists. It represents every part of our real estate work that extends beyond the transaction—even into eternity. Faith and beliefs aside, everyone wants to work for more than just a paycheck. May God bless you as you find true purpose and meaning in your work every time you open this book. Thank you for your work and service in real estate!